

The Ramifications of Loneliness: A Commentary

Ami Rokach*

Published: 08 September, 2023 | Volume 7 - Issue 1 | Pages: 018-020

Loneliness was a major concern of people during the recent COVID-19 pandemic. Now, that the pandemic is mainly gone, it is still a global issue. This commentary reviews the impact on that loneliness has on our cognitive, behavioral and affective functioning. These effects are described, along with the stigma that often accompanies loneliness and which makes it hard for people to acknowledge and admit that they are lonely, and seek help from healthcare professionals. This commentary, aside from describing the various negative implications of loneliness, highlights the need for society to address the issue. While it cannot be eliminated, the population can be taught how to recognize it, and how to offer assistance to those who struggle with it.

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Loneliness; Alienation; Isolation; Consequences of loneliness


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