
Research Article

Effectiveness of structured teaching programme on knowledge regarding management of extravasation of chemotherapeutic drugs

Pooja Prakash, Ayush Chandra*, Malathi Kotha, Santosh Kumar Das, Barsha Prakash, Avinash Chandra, Gyaljin Sherpa and Sudikshya Acharya

Published: 13 September, 2022 | Volume 6 - Issue 1 | Pages: 018-024

Background: More than 1 million intravenous chemotherapy infusions are given worldwide each day which leads to extravasation. Health professionals must know the drugs that cause tissue injury and take the necessary measures to prevent extravasation.
Objectives: The study aimed to assess the knowledge regarding the management of extravasation of chemotherapeutic drugs before and after the implementation of a structured teaching program among staff nurses.
Method: The pre-experimental group pre-test and post-test designs were adopted for the study. The convenience sampling technique was used to obtain 30 staff nurses of Ramaiah Medical College Hospital, India. Both Pre-test and Post-test were performed using the same structured knowledge questionnaire followed by 45 minutes of the structured teaching program. Data were processed through Statistical Package for Social Sciences version 20 and analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics.
Results: More than half of the subjects were female (66.7%) and 36.7% of the subject had more than 10 years of professional experience. Most of the subjects (70%) had inadequate knowledge during the pretest. The mean knowledge score was 15.33 ± 4.003 and 24.67 ± 5.384 in pre-test and post-test respectively. There was a significant difference in pre-test and post-test knowledge scores regarding the management of extravasation of chemotherapeutic drugs. 
Conclusion: The Study concluded that the structured teaching program was significantly effective in improving the knowledge regarding the management of extravasation of chemotherapeutic drugs among nurses.

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Chemotherapeutic drugs; Chemotherapy; Effectiveness; Extravasation; Knowledge; Structured teaching programme


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